SWOT Analysis
StrengthsEveryone loves Santa, he's the perfect spokesperson.
Vegas is a party town, plenty of venues that can carry the line.
One-of-a kind product.
New kid in town, people may not be responsive.
Must be heavily marketed and advertised.
"People don't know what they want-they only want what they know". MKTG, Lamb Hair McDaniel, pg. 10
As a rule, we tend to seek out products we are familiar with. As consumers, we stick to certain brands, not necessarily out of a sense of loyalty to the brand, but usually because we haven't taken the time to see what else is out there. We're drawn to a specific alcoholic beverage because it's what we've become familiar with, this is most certainly the case with St. Nick's Spirits, it's something people want, they just don't know it yet.
There are plenty of clubs to have a product launch party or simply host a private party in one of the club's VIP lounge.
There are 25 other vodkas being launched in Vegas!
Marketing Strategy
"When consumers search extensively for a particular item and are very reluctant to accept substitutes, that item is a specialty product." MKTG, Lamb Hair McDaniel, pg. 132
During the holiday season, consumers will accept no substitute for the delicious seasonal flavors of St. Nick's Spirits.
St. Nick's will have billboards, taxicab boards, magazine ads and in-store promotions and giveaways in order to bring about awareness of the brand.
There are plans to have a few seasonal launch parties in the hottest clubs across Las Vegas.
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