Mission Statement
Our goal is to reach a 10% return on investment for initial launch (holidays 2009) with at least a 60% of customers from 2010 being return customers.Objectives
St. Nick's Spirits wants to be right there with you and yours during the holidays as you shake presents when no one's looking, attend "white elephant" parties and wrap those special presents at the last minute in newspaper funnies. St. Nick's will be there lubricating your senses as you watch in horror as your parents barrage your fiance with anecdotes of Christmases past complete with pictures of you in your Underoos unwrapping presents. St. Nick's Spirits will become the beverage of the holiday season.
"The best companies view new customer attraction as the launching point for developing and enhancing a long-term relationship. " MKTG, Lamb Hair McDaniel, pg.7
St. Nick's will also be there when you throw that shindig of your own, whipping up specialty martinis like a pro. St. Nick's makes it easy because they care.
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