Thursday, September 10, 2009

wk 9 EOC When I'll Pay More

It happens to all of us, we end up paying more for something knowing full well we can pick it up elsewhere for much cheaper. I had a situation at the very beginning of the quarter where I really needed to upgrade to a new hard drive, but I really didn’t have the cash to make it happen. In fact, I believe Fry’s had terabyte drives for $150 or maybe even less, unfortunately, I just didn’t have it.

Granted, there were other viable options, I could have burned all my files to DVD and thrown them in an album, and I have done this in the past, in fact, when I started school and all I had were 1 or 2 gig thumb drives, I did precisely that. The work from those quarters is safely tucked away into an album and the duplicates are at my best friend’s home, just in case.

This, however, was a special situation and a 1 or 2 gig hard drive just wasn’t going to cut it and I really didn’t want to go through the hassle of burning about 150G of work onto DVD, at around 7 G a pop, it can really add up, not to mention be incredibly time consuming. I’m a woman on the go, no time for that kind time-wasting! Not to mention, my 300G portable was beginning to show its age, at times, it would take a full five minutes to even show up on a computer. No, this was no time for cutting corners.

So, what did I do? I did what most broke students do, I went to the Supply Store on campus and paid $300 on my student account. My new hard drive is a beast with 500G of memory and it even requires its own power source. This was a superior machine! With interest, I’ll be paying dearly for this hard drive for quite some time, but sometimes, it’s what you have to do.


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